建筑工地上是有大工,小工之分的,做弱电的也不例外,大工和小工之间的区别有时很大,有时又很模糊,每天拿的那一百块钱差在哪里,谁能说的清楚。大工一般都不年轻了,经验丰富,做事用心。是施工队的核心和灵魂,主导着施工的进度与质量,设计图纸通过他们的双手变为实体。在工地这个极度现实的地方,你可能见过月薪5000的弱电项目经理,但绝对找不到日薪低于280的大工。小工一般都比较年轻,正处于通往大工的路上,承担了绝大部分技术含量不高的安装任务。通过大白的观察与体会,总结了大工和小工的区别如下:1、施工图纸大工:大工看图是绝对没问题的,平面图和系统图都OK,拿到图以后喜欢拖着项目部设计人员到现场走一圈,对照着图纸提出不少问题和疑问,设计人员被问懵逼以后他特么的居然还能给出解决方法,最后让设计在图纸上签字才放人。小工:还是喜欢大工拿笔在图纸上给他再描一下。2、干活大工:与项目部技术人员对接,干些技术活,定位、弹线、加工桥架的爬坡弯漏斗弯、机房里打模块,传感器执行器安装、DDC箱接线,理线什么的,最后把机柜绑扎的漂漂亮亮的。小工:听大工安排,搬运,爬桥架,钻吊顶,开槽、开槽、再开槽;打眼、打眼、再打眼;拉线,拉线,再拉线。3、对待项目部的人大工:X总X工的喊的那叫一个客气,然后再提几个施工上的问题征询一下意见,角度刁钻、骨骼清奇,几句话就把来人的底给摸透,没两把刷子镇不住他们。小工:爱谁谁,最讨厌的就是站在老子身后一直看我干活的。4、工作态度大工:活给你安排的明明白白的,不慌不乱,有条不紊,干一天是一天,有加班赶工请拿钱说话,你急他不急,你再急他跟你急。碰到问题了喜欢琢磨,要不拉着项目部人来解决,或者在弱电笔记群里问一下。小工:碰到问题了喜欢甩给师傅解决,自己先跑一边去刷会手机。年轻人还好,做事有认真的也有不认真的,但总之还比较听话。至于一些老同志……你玩过打地鼠吗?5、人生态度大工:早上包子面条,中午大肉饭鸡腿饭,晚上整点小酒,2L的大水瓶喝饱。到了这个年纪,人很现实,我不欠你的,你也别欠我的,为了父母和老婆孩子而打拼。小工:挺多没成家的,还没定性,还是喜欢奶茶、烧烤和麻辣烫,阔落阿萨姆买个不停,人生有些小迷茫,不甘心在工地上苦一辈子,喜欢做做玩玩。6、着装大工:工作服(不知道哪家的),黄胶鞋,平平无奇。小工:运动鞋、牛仔裤、T恤衫,休闲时尚。7、娱乐大工:干活时用OPPO VIVO 听广场舞曲,草原情歌,中午随便找个地方眯一会儿,下班后和老婆孩子视频聊天,看一会快手,玩一会斗地主,网络靠WIFI。小工:上班时用苹果听神曲,中午不睡觉在那玩,下班后继续刷抖音,看直播,王者农药吃鸡开黑,4G、大王卡无限流量。8、额外收入大工:几家工地跑,自己干点小活,苦点辛苦钱,买**。。。MD买**会有额外收入吗?小工:不知哪天在抖音和斗鱼上莫名其妙的就红啦,粉丝好几十万,开直播就有人给刷礼物。9、职业规划以上九条半真半假,大家看看就好。工地上都是来苦钱的,谁也别瞧不起谁,项目规划的再好,也要靠我们工人一点一点的实现落地。牛逼的大工挑着活干,小工则潜力无限,在这个魔幻的世界里,一夜暴富也并非不可能,但更多人走的是小工-大工-带班-老板的平凡之路,愿这条路越走越宽,越走越亮!
1、D 2、C 3、D 4、D 5、B
1. This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should _____ last week.
A. fix
B. be fixed
C. have fixed
D. have been fixed
2. You will probably _____ your team's chance to win because you seem to have such a big _____ them.
A. affect; impact in
B. effect; impact in
C. affect; impact on
D. effect; affect on
3. Don't climb to the top of the hill with one breath. _____ your energy. You'll need it!
A. Reserve
B. Protect
C. Burn
D. Conserve
4. This is the microscope ______ which we have had so much trouble.
A. at
B. from
C. of
D. with
5. There are several ways of _____ the problem. Have you studied which one will benefit us most
A. coming
B. approaching
C. attacking
D. dealing
6. He's been sought after by many young girls. I am really surprised you have an unfavorable ______ of him.
A. thought
B. impression
C. concept
D. notion
7. To do a good job in public speaking, one must be aware of the _______ issues, both nationally and internationlly.
A. brilliant
B. extensive
C. current
D. modern
8. Don't _____ me in solving your problems. It is none of my business.
A. involve
B. evolve
C. invoke
D. invite
9. Many countries lay more emphasis on ______ the offshore oil deposits.
A. explaining
B. exploiting
C. expanding
D. expelling
10. He is a slow learner. You've got to be ______ with him. Remember: patience is a virtue.
A. patient
B. steady
C. diligent
D. continuous
11. He was regarded as a hero in the country, for his economic policies ______ the way for the successive industrial expansions and developments.
A. made
B. set
C. paved
D. polished
12. The manager is always in a bad _____ on Mondays which signal the beginning of another exhausting week.
A. mood
B. heart
C. mode
D. voice
13. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply ______.
A. appreciated
B. approved
C. appealed
D. applied
14. I'm still unable to make myself ______ in the discussion, which worries me a lot.
A. to be understood
B. understanding
C. understood
D. understand
15. So many fancy cars are _____ here that I cannot decide which one I like best.
A. demonstrated
B. evident
C. displayed
D. made
16. Take it easy. It is all a ______ to an end.
A. part
B. means
C. choice
D. process
17. The company is run at a loss. Certain problems were ______ from the outset.
A. apparatus
B. apparent
C. applied
D. apprehensive
18. This time next week I'll be on vacation. Probably I ______ on a beautiful beach.
A. am lying
B. have lain
C. will be lying
D. will have lain
19. We moved to London ______ we could visit our friends more often.
A. even if
B. so that
C. in case
D. as if
20. Some of the Olympic champions were invited to _______ the opening ceremony of the National Games.
A. attend
B. participate
C. comprehend
D. pretend