
have to的否定形式有几种,have有几种形式分别表示什么

2023-06-30 10:39:23复习指导456





助动词have以及它的变体has, had等的主要用法如下:

1. have +过去分词,构成完成时态。如:

He has left for Japan. 他已去了日本。

We’ve just done the washing-up.我们刚洗完碗碟。

Poor Jim has just had an accident.可怜的吉姆刚出了个事故。

I have had this car for threeyears. 这辆汽车我已用了3年了。

By the end of last month, they hadfinished the work. 上月未他们就已经完成了工作。

2. have + been+现在分词,构成完成进行时。如:

I have been studying English for 8years. 我学英语已达八年了。

The children have been having alot of run. 孩子们一直玩得很开心。

We had been doing business witheach other for years before we quarreled. 在吵翻之前,我们多年来在业务上一直来往。

By this time next year, we willhave been doing business with each other for 20 years. 到明年这时候,我们的业务住来就满20年了。

I woke up—I had been having a baddream. 我醒了,我做了个噩梦。

3. have+been+过去分词,构成完成式被动语态。如:

English has been taught in Chinafor many years. 中国教英语已经多年。

I have been made redundant, so I’mgoing abroad. 我被定成了超编人员,所以我打算出国。

Thousands of pounds have beenspent on the new hospital. 这家新医院花费了数千英镑。

None of my friends have beeninvited to the party. 我的朋友中没有一个被邀参加晚会。

All means have been used to gethim to change his mind. 为了转变他的想法,所有的办法都用过了


上一篇:have的第三人称单数形式是has吗,have的第三人称单数形式和ing形式 下一篇:高中球体表面积的字母公式,球体的体积和表面积公式的推导